Ready To Be FREE of your FEAR using Hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is define your keyword Hello, my name is Tim Thornton and welcome to Hypnotherapy Sydney.
I help people make significant changes in their lives to achieve their goals and jettison limiting beliefs and negative patterns. I
am an experienced master clinical hypnotherapist utilising psychotherapy techniques and strategies in all my sessions. I’m also a master NLP practitioner, life coach, qualified facilitator of Systemic Family Constellations, Rapid Core Healing (RCH) and Emotional Mind Integration (EMI).
These modalities are complementary and work well together.
Emotional mind integration (EMI) is a versatile tool that gives predictable and fast results for dealing with various issues. Many issues have an underlying root cause of emotional trauma. Trauma is very common that in a person’s history and it is usually only partially processed and resolved. If a person can’t move on from these traumas completely, they will often get stuck in some aspect of their life.